
Tara Springs is a place for both online and in-person learning opportunities with a focus on health and wellbeing. We will have courses around health, which draw from both eastern and western perspectives, courses on gardening and permaculture, food and cooking, as well as rituals and celebrations around the seasonal calendar. We will have a range of specialist teachers and collaborators contributing to the teaching of courses, all who align with the philosophical approach here at Tara Springs.


  • We believe that holistic living is a foundation of health and wellbeing

  • We believe in strong community connections

  • We share experiential opportunities to build a harmonious and sustainable world

  • We share inspirational and creative learning to empower people to make positive change

  • We will celebrate the cycles of life and nature through ritual

  • We will experience pleasure, enjoyment and freedom by connecting to self, nature and community


  • Inspiration

    We value inspiring people through action and practice to live a healthy and sustainable life.

  • Empowerment

    We value empowering people in their health and wellbeing through knowledge, awareness and skills.

  • Connection

    We value connection to self, community and natures cycles as central to health and wellbeing.

  • Education

    We value education on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual elements of health and wellbeing.

  • Integrity

    We value knowledge and expertise, congruence and being of service; we endeavour to walk our talk.

  • Enjoyment

    We value fun and enjoyment to balance and celebrate the process and the present moment.